Rules for Nassau in Golf

June 24, 2017

The Nassau golf format is a type of betting game that is typically played with a group of players.

Here are the basic rules of Nassau:

  1. Betting: Players typically bet a set amount of money on three separate betting circles, one for the front nine, one for the back nine, and one for the full 18 holes. 
  2. Scoring: The game is typically played as stroke play, with the player with the lowest score winning the bet for each circle. 
  3. Handicaps: Handicaps are typically used to level the playing field, with each player’s handicap being applied to their score for each circle. 
  4. Ties: In case of a tie, the bet for that circle is typically carried over to the next round. 
  5. Prize: The player with the most money won at the end of the round wins the Nassau.

It’s important to note that these rules are general guidelines, and that every group may have different variations or specific rules. It’s best to check with the group organizer to confirm the rules before starting to play. Additionally, some variations of Nassau include a “press” option, where a player can increase their bet on a hole or for the round, and a “halve” option, where a player can agree to split the bet if they are tied with another player at the end of a round.


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