20 Essential Golf Drills for the Driving Range

August 7, 2017

Practicing at the driving range is an essential part of improving your golf game. Here are 20 drills that can help you at the driving range

It’s important to note that these drills are general guidelines, and that every golfer has a unique swing type. It’s best to experiment with different drills and find the ones that work best for you. Additionally, it’s important to practice regularly and consistently to see improvement in your golf game.

  1. Warm-up drill: Start with a few practice swings to loosen up your muscles and get a feel for the club.
  2. Alignment drill: Practice aligning your body and club correctly before each shot.
  3. Grip drill: Practice different types of grips to find the one that feels most comfortable and promotes a consistent swing.
  4. Swing plane drill: Practice keeping your swing plane consistent to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  5. Weight shift drill: Practice shifting your weight correctly during the swing to promote a smooth and powerful swing.
  6. Swing tempo drill: Practice maintaining a consistent swing tempo to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  7. Swing path drill: Practice keeping your swing path consistent to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  8. Impact position drill: Practice hitting the ball at the correct impact position to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  9. Follow-through drill: Practice maintaining a proper follow-through to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  10. Tee drill: Practice hitting from a tee to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  11. Fairway drill: Practice hitting from the fairway to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  12. Rough drill: Practice hitting from the rough to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  13. Sand trap drill: Practice hitting from a sand trap to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  14. Bunker shot drill: Practice hitting bunker shots to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  15. Long drive drill: Practice hitting long drives to improve your distance control.
  16. Fade and draw drill: Practice hitting fades and draws to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  17. High and low shot drill: Practice hitting high and low shots to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  18. Hook and slice drill: Practice hitting hooks and slices to improve your accuracy and distance control.
  19. Multi-club drill: Practice hitting with different clubs to improve your versatility.
  20. On-course drill: Take the skills and drills you’ve learned at the driving range and practice them on the course to improve your overall game.


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